
Italian coat of arms

stemmi montage

Italian Tradition - Stemmi

Stemma is the Italian word for Coat of Arms. Italy is divided into 20 regions, each region is divided into provinces which are then divided into comunes. The Italian people are intensly proud and protective of firstly their own comune, then their province and finally their region. Consequently, every region, every province and almost all of the comunes have their own Coat of Arms or Stemma which is used for all official purposes and is replicated on flags for parades and other festivities. We offer specially commissioned, hand painted tiles of your little area of Italy, either where you live now or where your ancestors originated. If you tell us the name of a town or village we will do the research and find your stemma, which you can have hand painted onto a ceramic tile. These tiles make the perfect gift for anyone with Italian ancestry and can be given as a plain tile or framed in a chestnut wood frame. The dimensions are 30cm x 30cm, and 37cm x 37cm with the frame.

Lauria stemma

Stemma of Lauria, Potenza, Basilicata

Lauria hand painted stemma tile

Hand painted tile of the Stemma of Lauria

Lauria framed hand painted stemma tile

Tile supplied in a hand-made chestnut frame

The tile can be painted against a white or tinted background and with, or without, a border. These tiles can be included in a tiling montage in your home but are not suitable for outside. Please contact us for further information.

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